
South Asian Fellowship
South Asian Fellowship (SAF) is a platform to invite people from other faiths to fellowship together. South Asian Fellowship is attended by Asian, White, African, and Arab Americans. Topics on love, forgiveness, sin, family, grace, salvation, and more are discussed, which helps everyone to understand the worldview of one another. Q & A session at the end of each discussion is helpful to understand spiritual gaps.

Prison Ministry
The scriptures declare in Matthew 25:36 “…I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Alpha’s Prison team has served the Adult Correction Center for over 7 years, as a “Church behind the Bars”. It’s been a blessing to bring hope and healing among the prisoners. While others have turned their back upon them, the Prison Team convinces that God cares for them and they are not forgotten. When Prisoners understand the joy of new hope and life purpose, they are transformed, mobilized to become a law abiding citizen, and replacing the cycle of crime with a cycle of renewal.

Outreach Ministry
Alpha Ministries’ Mission is to share the Good News through Outreach Ministry. Alpha Ministries have the opportunity to share the Good News through Friendship, Love and Hospitality during religious, cultural festivals and parades in New Jersey.

Children's Ministry
In 1995, God gave a vision to Pastor Amoon and Ghazala to establish a school for the less privileged children of the poverty-stricken rural community living in remote villages. They established Alpha School of primary level (grades 1-5) with few children under an oak tree, in the village of Kotli, a 5 hour drive from Rawalpindi. Alpha School provides quality education and now enrolls 125 students regardless of gender and religion. It is now a bridge to reach parents and explains that education is an important prerequisite for their children’s security in adult life.
Alpha Church in Kotli was started with two families, and has now grown into a congregation of 130. In 2005, Alpha Church building was dedicated and has now become a catalyst for other neighboring villages. Alpha Ministries Team regularly visits villages and brick kilns with a passion to share the Good News.
Every month Alpha Ministries provides nutritious food through Feeding Programs among the poor and needy children of villages. Alpha School has been serving children of the poverty-stricken rural community of Kotli village since 1997.
The existing Alpha School building needs major repairs, renovation, two additional classrooms and four bathrooms. In the last eight years, Alpha School building deteriorated due to inclement weather and funding constraint. Alpha School building serves a vibrant village community containing a significant student population. Thus, in all these years Alpha School accommodated the student population from all the villages. We believe all children have a fundamental right to a safe, healthy and quality education. In order to provide children with safe environment, the building needs complete renovation with new roofing and floors. To start with the renovation of Alpha School building we need your prayers and support.

ESL (English as a Second Language) Ministry
Alpha Ministries launched its first ESL session on May 2016, with four immigrant students. From May 2016 until February 2019 Alpha Ministries taught English to more than 100 students from 16 different countries. ESL program provides a factor of trust and understanding between students, and to develop a meaningful relationship. For many students ESL classes are the only opportunity to experience love and friendship for the first time. ESL classes are held on Mondays and Wednesday from 6:30 pm till 7:30 pm. In the last two years many students have received decent jobs based on their English proficiency.